
What is Nomads Magazine?

Nomads is a magazine that tells you from inside the scenarios of reality, illuminated by the beacon of its own agenda, a well-written text and the poetic richness of the audiovisual and sound narrative, both perfect and necessary combinations to tell what many do not want to know or to be known, to honor the stories collected in our country Bolivia and remote places where apparently nothing happens, but in reality, is where the hurricane of events nests.

We will go as far as it is essential to go to tell the life and shadow of death, poverty and power, the universe of the forests, everything that dwells in it and everything that has to do with the planet we live on, the rulers and the people, hunger and violence, conflicts and their boundless wounds, pandemics and their enormous consequences. In short, Nomads Magazine returns to the DNA of journalism: telling stories and explaining the world with a great focus on the environment, and, at the same time, on the actions of man against man himself.

Nomads is a magazine that is as Bolivian as it is American and universal, because the stories have no borders and the problems that occur a thousand or ten thousand kilometers away can have an effect on the same path of our home. And because we humans like to be told stories from near and far lands. The only requirement we ask is that they are told well.

Why do we do Nomads Magazine?

Because we are convinced that journalism of the highest quality is possible, because we feel the need to give importance to a large part of the national and world reality that does not exist because it is not reported, and it is necessary to write this present memory so that solutions can be found, because despite how bad the world is, there are beautiful things that must also be told so that the hope of saving it feeds the anonymous heroes who fight in silence every day. Because we believe that a small story can become a great story and that it will not die the day after it is born, but rather will gain readers and become part of the life of a demanding public.

Reports with impacts

Nomads Magazine was born in June 2021 and since then we have written stories that revealed actions of people and authorities that are damaging forests and society. We discovered how a group of Mennonites built, without authorization or environmental studies, a bridge over the Parapetí River and the Isoso wetlands in south Bolivia, which are wetlands of international interest and RAMSAR sites; we made visible how the planet lost the Concepción Lagoon, one the biggest in Bolivia and that no one did anything to prevent it from drying up; we’ve carried out several expeditions through protected areas hit by deforestation, land trafficking and forest fires; and we also investigated how agrochemicals are poisoning the bodies of human beings and also killing the bees that pollinate the forests. The Nomads investigations also managed to prevent a mining company, which had obtained permits from government institutions, in a very questionable way, from entering to deforest and exploit within a protected area; the same year we also managed that justice dictate precautionary measures to prevent further deforestation within the Isoso Wetlands, waters that the indigenous Ayoreo People in voluntary isolation depend on and that are a very important ecosystem for the planet. We know that there is much more to narrate and we are on that important mission.



Te contamos desde el interior de los escenarios de la realidad, iluminados por el faro de la agenda propia, el texto bien labrado y la riqueza poética del audiovisual y de la narrativa sonora, combinaciones perfectas para sentir el corazón del medioambiente y de los anónimos del Planeta.
