
Iván Paredes Tamayo

The fight to prevent oil activity from consolidating its entry into the Tariquía National Reserve of Flora and Fauna comes at a high cost. Defenders of this important paradise for the world endure everything from «indecent offers» to physical assaults and personal defamation....

Bolivia is the country with the highest per capita loss of primary forest worldwide. Its deforestation rate per person is four times higher than that of Brazil. The Global Forest Watch (GFW) platform reveals the harsh reality that the country’s forests and the world are...

El territorio del Bosque Seco Chiquitano se oferta en redes sociales. Como si fuera el menú de un restaurante, uno puede elegir el lugar en función al tamaño de la billetera. Mientras las ofertas están en auge —los indígenas alzan la voz y denuncian que...