
Lisa Mirella Corti

The TIPNIS is home to more than 800 species of animals and an estimated 3,000 varieties of plants. It is the ancestral home of Tsimanes, Yuracarés, Moxeños and Trinitarios. A lung in Bolivia that generates clean air and rain for the planet....

The original inhabitants of the TIPNIS know that the forest is a living being that, if not treated well, dies. For this reason, developing tourism in a sustainable manner not only brings them benefits, but also helps to protect it....

In the rivers of the northern part of the Indigenous Territory and Isiboro Sécure National Park,», reigns supreme the dorado, the fish species that «drives international visitors crazy». In this remote part of Bolivia, a tourism project is being developed based on sustainable fly fishing...

La agroindustria está dejando poco terreno para el jaguar en Santa Cruz, Bolivia, acorralándolo en espacios más aislados y con menos presas, aumentando el conflicto humano-jaguar. Anaí Holzmann, sabe que se puede coexistir con grandes felinos porque trabaja, por años, en una ruta turística que...